
"In the ocean of life the isles of blessedness are smiling and the sunny shore of your ideal awaits your acoming....In the bark of your soul reclines the commanding master; he does but sleep: wake him."

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Fibrosis with time

Finally, found the password to this blog and hence i am back! So lately I've been thinking of many things...nothing too out of the ordinary (sadly) i've been thinking about how when people get older they dont get wiser (as i wrongly thought)...people as they age they get more fibrosed. You know like the way if you have an abscess and you dont drain it (and assuming it doesnt rupture) what does the body do to deal with it?
It forms a fibrous coat around it and after sometime you discover that this soft, hot tender cauldron of inflammation has turned into a rock hard mass, difficult to get rid of...I love analogies and its the only way I could actually understand life, by linking it to other things and making associations. So if i extrapolate the abscess example to LIFE i could come up with fairly interesting output. If one, in their youth has certain negative traits (and we all have them) like bitterness, the tendency to complain and moan about stuff, blaming others, being a procrastinator (this is so me) or considering yourself somewhat superior to others etc etc the list goes on...
Do you know what happens with time if you dont start to face yourself about it and deal with it?
Do you know what happens with time? It doesnt get better.Time isnt a healer when it comes to those intrinsic times. Time without action never helps get things more DUSTY and gray so that you'd not remember them so well...but it doesnt heal..and this applies to the famous phrase they say after a heart break or a break up, hey...time will heal things..time will help us forget..but Oh no my love it doesnt. Time only pushes those things to the deep crevices of your being and when you come across them again...hmmm they wont be so good. So going back...if you leave those bad traits what happens is they FIBROSE! They're not malleable to change anymore...they arent receptive to any other alterations. And over time the person HIMSELF fibrosis over. like as a whole you become less able to accept change and less able to percieve that you may be wrong.I see this in my parents to be very honest...with time they've become more bitter and more fibrosed and its become so obvious to me that i feel sorry for them and fear for myself..fear that i, too will end up all mentally fibrosed if i dont do something about my bad mental habits and my procrastination and my harsh critiscm of things and people.If i dont do something about it...even if that corrective action is a thought pattern.I dont know if my point is clear but subhan Allah time has its effects on us and it is natural that with age one gets less plastic and even biologically, the brain is less plastic with increasing age. But we're all destined to falter and age and become all wrinkly and delibitated but thats not important because a free open soul in an old body is forever young!

This note was written around a year ago. I have just reread it now. And thought that this needs to be online

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