
"In the ocean of life the isles of blessedness are smiling and the sunny shore of your ideal awaits your acoming....In the bark of your soul reclines the commanding master; he does but sleep: wake him."

Monday, July 15, 2013


The amount of anguish I feel right now is incredible. It is that feeling of having something to say but somehow your 'broca's area' has difficulty firing in the right sequence to express it. And the amygdala is screaming like a siren over there. Amygdala is a wonderful thing, with an equally beautiful name. It is the little part of our brains that are involved with our social interactions, also with memory and fears. It is said that the more connections a person has, the bigger their amygdala. A larger amygdala is associated with greater emotional intelligence, enabling greater societal integration and cooperation with others. Well isn't that fascinating.
The amygdala also has connection with personal space when speaking to people. 
A person who has been de-amygdala-ized (I think I jus made that word up) has no sense of appropriate personal space. So they wouldn't feel particular discomfort when a stranger closes into their personal space and enters the zone we only restrict for people we are intimate and close to. 
It is definitely an intriguing little organ, this amygdala. 
But I think going on about its physiological function isnt the main reason I came to write here..I am merely intellectualizing. Intellectualizing is a brilliant defence mechanism many academic people use. Defined as 

'Intellectualization is a 'flight into reason', where the person avoids uncomfortable emotions by focusing on facts and logic. The situation is treated as an interesting problem that engages the person on a rational basis, whilst the emotional aspects are completely ignored as being irrelevant."

I need not say, that it is my dear old Freud that first began to recognize this defence mechanism and clearly notes it in his book On Negation.

The problem with being a drop of water that is avoiding the drain of the bathtub is that no matter how huge the bathtub is, eventually you'll have to pass that drain. Whether you like it or not you'll have to fall down that drain. It is probably the best thing that could happen to you (as a drop of water). But you put off coming near it or talking about it and even thinking of it...because of the aura of unknown-ness and unsure-ness. Not from the side of the waterdrop, the waterdrop is quite certain..but the waterdrop is unsure of whether it is the right time and whether the trip will be safe. Also the other waterdrops who are clinging close by on the surface, how will the other waterdrops react? Some waterdrops merge together to form a bigger waterdrop. Sometimes when enough waterdrops merge a huge mass of water is formed with so much power and strength that it could wipe off an entire country. You've heard of tsunamis? 
A huge mass of waterdrops could even influence the entire earth.
Waterdrops have a lot of power, especially when merged together, like Marianne Williamson said, "
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure"

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