It's one of those peaceful nights alhamdulilah and despite being quite tired tonight I do feel like venting philosophically.
I am still interning at the ER dept but this week I am in a department known as dept 5. Notorious for being filled with sick, amputated or septic patients with horrible looking wounds. And for the the most part, it is true. This week while doing the dressing for some patients I have encountered a full set of exposed leg tendons in a woman with diabetic 'foot'...or rather diabetic 'leg'.
Or a young man who accidentally injected some drugs subcutaneously in his leg and developed a cellulitis which developed into compartment syndrome which required fasciotomy.
I dont know if what i saw was a fasciotomy, all i remember is that i saw the muscles of his legs contracting before my own eyes. It was a sorry sight, to see a young man so destroyed because of a useless harmful action. However, who am I to judge him?
Behind his action was ignorance and pain and poverty and escapism and self hate and alot of dark and terrible things. How can I judge him? He is a human who has despaired enough to lead himself to his own destruction. People dont go into drugs just because they're happy or OK with life.
It is clearly said in the Quran and in hadith that Allah is the most merciful. Most merciful. Meaning He (swt) IS the number one merciful. No one comes before Him in Mercy. Meaning that in your life, no one will be more merciful on you more than Allah is. Not your family not anyone.
So what exactly IS mercy? (aka in arabic: Al Rahma)
I looked it up on google and this is what it said:
compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm.
synonyms: | leniency, lenience, clemency, compassion, grace, pity, charity, forgiveness, forbearance, quarter, humanity, humaneness,humanitarianism; |
So it means that God has all the power to destroy you, yet He shows compassion and forgiveness. He is lenient and is forebearing and forgiving and mild. Subhan Allah. Why is He so?
I can't conceive a wise enough answer, but I can reply with a simple sentence that makes sense to me. Allah is forgiving because Allah understands us. He can see right into our hearts, He can see our vulnerabilities and intentions and reasons more than we can understand them ourselves. Even when we're to be judged on the youm-al-hisab we arent judged on general guidelines and criteria. We are judged according to the content of our hearts and only HE can see that. Let's not be afraid. There's always a chance to fix things, there's always a chance to clean out the darkness within and make room for light.
Mercy is also another component of a true and sincere relationship. Famously, the cliche answer to the cliche questions of "what makes a good relationship?" is "love, ofcourse"
I can't disagree because love is a massive umbrella carrying beneath it so many tender and compassionate meanings.
Like when a group of birds are called a flock and a group of tigers is called a streak, a group of compassionate feelings are called love. It's not a singular term but rather a plural of many similar yet intrinsically unique experiences and feelings.
Usually, in any group there's a strong/dominating character that leads the flock. It is usually that leader that guides the direction of ambush or flight. If love had a leader that propelled it'd have to be MERCY.
Mercy is the single-most powerful member of the 'love' family. It is the one that decides how the emotions will flow. It decides how desire will flow and everything else.
If there is love but with a recessive mercy, the whole group will flop. They will attempt to fly by themselves, but eventually they'll disperse and evaporate. Because it is the glue to them all. It's what keeps those other things in place.
Not all tiger groups are the same. And not all 'love' is the same. They may contain the same members eg caring, compassion, desire, intimacy, mercy, prioritizing the beloved etc but the strength of each member differs according to the gang.
If mercy dominates (ie being lenient, understanding, humane and tolerant) it is likely that this 'team' will fly well.