
"In the ocean of life the isles of blessedness are smiling and the sunny shore of your ideal awaits your acoming....In the bark of your soul reclines the commanding master; he does but sleep: wake him."

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

I've got my backbone.

I've climbed mountains of struggles. The ability to feel things deeply is both a great gift and a great burden.
Do you think that after all this time, I'll give in and succumb?
I've developed thick skin, still bleeds and hurts when pierced, but it resists.
I've developed an elastic heart that can stretch enormously and recoils enormously. The recoiling hurts, but it's something that I have learnt to do.
It's too late for me to despair at the scary, unpredictable things of life.
I have no other option other than to hope.
Hope that whatever comes my way, I will tackle it well. I'm not alone. I have a backbone, and that is my faith. If I have my backbone and I have my will and I have my weapons then I can do everything.
I dont need a saviour, nor a missing jigsaw piece in my heart. I am complete as I am.
Nothing is missing, I'm equipt to live.
My faith, my willpower, my enthusiasm to live and strive and patience.
I dont need anything or anyone else, if I have these.
I have no time for drama and no time for negative ruminations. Let me live my life.
My life might not be too lengthy. I might die any moment. I need to make sure that anytime I leave, I'll leave a good legacy behind me. Something to help my loved ones continue believing in the goodness of the world....despite how cruel it can be.
I'd like to be remembered with a smile.
Why do I feel like I'm going to die soon?
I dont know, but perhaps it's true.

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